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Ethnicity Aim: 


35% white british

30% Indian/ Pakistani 

7%  Black african / Carribbean

6 % Bangladesh

22% other

A demographic that is truly  representative of the local area 

Based on Redbridge cecnus data, I have come up with a mix of races and ethnicities that reflects the true make-up of the area

A curation of individuals with different lengths of tenancies

Mixed demographic

All designed from the same module size, houses of differing size and layout are set out to match the varying needs of inhabitants. 

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Pepper potting

The term ‘pepper-potting’ is a form of mixed tenure development. It describes an urban planning strategy in which poorer and more affluent residents live in a mixed community through the ‘sprinkling’ of different tenures. By mixing the homeless and local community together, I hope to reduce the social segregation of different socio-economic groups and eliminate the possibility of 'ghettos'.

Low garden fence

Homeless pods-  Lowering the height of the homeless structures brought additional benefit creating communal boundaries that guests could lean over and chat together, reminiscent of a garden fence.  I had a magical moment watching the guests talk to one another while standing within their defensible space. I wanted to bring this social dynamic into the homeless homes within this scheme to ensure a sense of community can be kindered. 

Personal thresholds

Placement- During my placement at a homeless hostel in Redbridge I was surprised by the clinical environment created by the impersonal front doors.

The inclusion of fire door, and cleaning rota coupled with the fact they all look exactly the same creating an impersonal, institutional feel. I produced doors plaques to improve the situation but last minute they were denied.  

In reaction to this, I have created thresholds that create a feeling of domesticity through varying cladding materials, front gardens, and differently painted front doors. 

An architecture of process

Inspiration from industrious architecture near my flat in Hackney.

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